Have you become too obsessed with lead generation as a way to achieve your goals? It may well be that for some teams, lead generation has become a key target to report at company meetings. According to Campaign Monitor, 69% of marketers identify lead generation as their key priority. Often, the outcome of each of these meetings is the same: teams are tasked with generating even more leads for the next quarter. Before you start exploring new channels to help you reach ever-increasing prospect targets, answer just one question. Do you need to generate more leads or simply work on the potential of the leads you have already generated and convert them at a higher rate?
Here's the thing: you shouldn't be generating more leads to help your business achieve higher sales goals each month. You can generate the employee data same number of leads using the best lead generation software and techniques, but become more efficient at converting them into sales opportunities .In this article, we'll dive deeper into effective lead nurturing strategies to help you convert your existing leads at a higher rate and have a greater impact on your business bottom line. Lead Generation vs. Lead Nurturing While lead generation.
The process of converting page visitors into prospects who are interested in your business, the goal of lead nurturing is to build relationships with your prospects at every stage of a sales funnel. .Source: Mass Entrants To understand the difference between the two terms, let's do some math. You have 1000 leads converting at the rate of 2% into sales and the other 100 leads converting at the rate of 20%. In both cases, you will get the same number of opportunities. The only difference is the number of tracks.