In 2021, the traffic dividend will no longer be available. Enterprises b2b email list and individual freelancers will begin to pay attention to stock operations. The activation and transformation of private domain traffic has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved. From finding traffic everywhere to managing stock well, it all boils down to one noun: user operation. We interviewed several teachers in the industry who have been deeply involved in knowledge payment, personal IP, and interest fields for a long time. They shared their entrepreneurial experiences of using community-based tools to grow with users and serve users . 1.
The road of transformation from personal review to b2b email list knowledge IP The first person we contacted was the former head of brand public relations of a Fortune 500 company . Talking about starting a business, he shook his head and said, "It's not a business now, I just want to be free and do things on my own." Details of the work." Due to the particularity of the industry, he needs to regularly browse a large number of reports and information, and the industry's solutions iterate rapidly with the social environment and policy changes. He has developed the habit of reviewing and sorting out work experience.
Seeing that he has reached the industry ceiling for promotion, at 30 years old, he plans to use his accumulated experience to enlarge his personal brand, sum up 7 years of work experience in branding, marketing, and public relations, and share dry goods with those in need. Unlike other intellectual IPs, his first fans were not friends in the circle of friends and friends around him, but readers from 36kr, Huxiu, and TMTpost. From 0 to 1, the number of readers who consulted him gradually increased. The one-way communication of 1v1 began to take care of himself. During the communication process,